Monday, February 25, 2013

he's 6

My baby is 6.  Wow!  I gotta say though this was the first year in a while that I didn't end up blubbering because he was older.  That is a MAJOR accomplishment for me.  I'm not going to lie I constantly tell him he can't grow up or he can't get bigger which always makes him giggle but seriously looking back at everything he has learned and accomplished this past year is just really cool to see. 

 I could rack my brain for hours and not remember half of the new things in his repertoire now.  It's just cool to see how much starting school has expanded him.  The ability to read is an amazing thing.  It has opened up  his world and interests and has been fun for us to listen to.  But I think my favorite thing is that he is noticing the world around him so much more and that has brought about real conversations.  We're not solving world problems or anything but its great to have your kids ask and respond to questions with their own thoughts and opinions.  Honestly he's just a pretty cool kid and I love love love love love being his mama!

I did my traditional birthday interview the other day and here are his responses...

Micah's favorites
food- tacos, spaghetti, pizza and Tokyo
snack- oreos
color- golden (like treasure)
games- MarioKart, Angry Birds, Hide and Seek
things to do- play wii, practice baseball and ride his bike
favorite friends- Kaiden, Charlie, Griffin, Sawyer, Ayden and Bella (funny story...when I asked Micah about his favorite friend he said do I have to pick one because I don't want anyone else to feel sad to which Zach responded with he's a boy after my own heart)
movie- Star Wars
show-Curious George
sport- baseball
book- 3D space book, Children's Atlas
song- Another Hallelujah by Lincoln Brewster

When Micah grows up he wants to do what daddy does and play drums on a church stage

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