Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2 year stats

Connor had his 2 year well visit today so I am taking the opportunity to share that info along with what's going on with my cuddly connor connor!

Weight 29.8 pounds (90%)
Height 36 inches (75th)
Head 40 cm (50%) He did not get his daddy's noggin!

Along with growing like a weed Connor...

*speaks in three+ word phrases
*repeats and mimicks most anything he hears. especially if Micah says it :)
*loves to either be a ham or be an introvert. somewhat of a split personality and still gets nervous around new people!
*plays drums, guitar and sings
*enjoys being outside, getting wet and getting filthy
*is great at riding a scooter
*will slide down any slide no matter how high and climb most anything (very impressive considering his brother at this age!)
*can recognize some colors
*likes to play pretend with Micah
*favorite after bath activity is to run around naked. he calls it playing 'booty,booty'
*LOVES his daddy
*sleeps with baba (pacifier), elmo, pirate, micah's blankblank (blanket), connor's blankblank and a full size football
*wants to me to sing one or all of the following before bed I love you Lord, Wheels on the Bus, or Twinkle twinkle
*watches sports with zach. any sport, doesn't matter, as long as they are throwing, dribbling or hitting he's happy
*can spot a dozer a mile away
*says (s)top, (s)top when you aren't doing what he wants and says 'go way daisy' when she tries to get his food
*throws a frisbee pretty well (for a 2 year old)
*favorite show is Go Diego Go
*makes the silliest faces and makes the cutest silly face when he's asking question
This little boy is precious beyond words and we love love love love love him!

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