Friday, October 19, 2012

11 months

Last weekend Logan turned 11 months old.  I can't believe it's almost been a year.  I know it's so cliche but seriously it seems so fast.  I mean there are definitely days where you think they'll never end but looking back it has flown!  Here's some pictures from our 11 months photo shoot.


*can say mama, dada and baba but doesn't always say them in response to the actual person or item.  He did however crawl in the kitchen today see me and say mama so I'm totally counting that one!
*can clap his hands.  He learned this at the mountains.  He was trying to eat a salt shaker and spilled salt all over the table and it got on his hands.  When he was trying to get it off he ended up clapping and we made such a big deal about it he kept going.
*still trying to figure out what he likes to eat.  He likes the same ol same ol during the day but usually at dinner I can get him to try a couple new things.  He really liked corn casserole, black eyed peas, and chicken pot pie.  Mac and Cheese is still his all time favorite.
*gives great kisses and hugs
*gives high fives
*can turn the light off in a room
*will walk holding both of your hands
*nurses two times a day and drinks whole milk two times a day.  I"m trying to wean him by his birthday.
*started not eating at night this week.  He's still not sleeping through the night but instead of just feeding him to get him to fall asleep I"m trying to let him cry a few minutes then rock him and so on until he finally falls back asleep.  Letting him cry just doesn't work well.  He's a stubborn booger and just gets more mad.  I'm hoping he'll eventually (soon) just decide he'd rather stay asleep.  I haven't had a full nights sleep in over a year and it's definitely starting to catch up with me physically and mentally!
*waves by and hello
*thinks loud noises like balloons popping are hilarious
*loves to be outside
*can climb :(

In just a few weeks we'll be celebrating a one year old.  Can't wait!!!

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