Thursday, January 1, 2009

The New Year

So it's 2009! WOW! I can never decide if I'd prefer time to stand still or for it to go quickly, I guess a little bit of both but unfortunately I don't really get to control that. I'm not a big Resolution person. There are things in my head that I know I should be doing, either better or at all, but if you say you're going to do it you will inevitably fail! Instead, I thought I'd just make a list of things that I hope/trust will happen this year.

* sell our home and find one perfect for our growing family
* give birth to a healthy baby, preferably one that also sleeps through the night earlier than Micah!
* easily transition to being a mother of two
* skip the terrible twos for my precious boy who will be such in a little more than a month
* take a fun family vacation
* be able to visit family more so my kids will stay close to all their relatives
* begin to start traditions at our home
* spend quality time with my husband and not get overwhelmed by the day to day
* make sure my friends and family are aware of how much I love, appreciate and need them
**** most importantly, be a shining light for our Savior and a support for those who need it

I'm sure each of these will produce a hefty to-do list of their own and hopefully you will all be able to encourage me to (attempt) to accomplish them all!

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