Friday, September 25, 2009

granny's birthday

Granny, my dad's mom and only living grandparent, turned 85 last week!! A few short hours after Haley's party my dad's two brothers, their wives, one cousin (everyone else lives pretty far away) and my family celebrated Granny with yummy food and football. I mean what else do you expect on a fall Saturday. It was great seeing each other even if for only a few hours.

Granny was diagnosed with lung cancer not too long ago and has completed her chemo treatments. I'm not sure if there has been a decision regarding any further treatment but no matter what I'm sure she will remain her spunky se
lf. She is definitely a independent woman. She knows what she wants, when she wants it, and isn't afraid to tell you about it! She loves her family, but has her favorites and isn't afraid to tell you that either. My siblings and I grew up KNOWING that Tim was her favorite because every time we saw her she said it. Constantly.
However, even though she loves Tim best she would brag on my cousins and I too and cheer us on. I can still hear her saying "Atta Girl Sarah Doo" at my high school graduation. She wants you to 'hug her neck' when you see her, tells you she loves you when you leave,
and makes sure to let you know you better come back and see her soon.

The best part of the party was watching her eat with Micah and hold Connor. They both SOAKED in some Granny time and it made my heart feel good. I don't remember any of my great grandparents and honestly don't even know if any were living when I was born. I don't think so but I'm sure my mom will comment on this post to let me know. I pray that Micah and Connor will be able to remember Granny and the love she had for them both.


  1. No, no greatgrandparents were alive when you were born. Well, there was one, but I hadn't seen him since I was 10, and I'm not sure when he died...Sad...

  2. That is a precious picture. What precious memories to cherish.
