Tuesday, January 17, 2012

two months

Logan turned two months old on Sunday.  We had his well baby check up today and he's growing like a weed...a big 'ol fat weed (read Forrest Gump voice)

*  He is 22 1/2 inches long and 14 pounds 4 ounces.
*  eats every 2-3 hours during the day
*  usually settled in to bed by 9 each night and sleeps 5-6 hours until up again which makes for a happy mommy :)
*  has not had to lay on me to go back to sleep after his second night/predawn feeding for the last two days
*  is sleeping in his crib instead of the bassinet for the first time tonight
*  finally got rid of his baby acne but still has one clogged tear duct
*  still has tummy troubles.  He is taking mylicon and gripe water likes it's going out of style.
*  smiles :)
*  getting better head control when you hold him upright
* talks to himself when he lays under his playmat.  Micah likes to translate what he says.
* is completely adored by his two older brothers
* nickname Logi bear cause it sounds like Yogi Bear and because my nickname is bear and we share a birthday so it just seems right :)

Micah checking to see if his eyes are open

Yep he's a wakey boy!

seriously I don't think they could get closer to him

first smiles

haha big ol chubby grin

smirky smirky

shy sweet smile

reclining on daddy


  1. 2 months already!?! Logan is a cutie :)

  2. 14 pounds???? I had to reread it just make sure I was right! Wow!
    He is hust a hnadsome as his two big brothers!
