Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Easter Sunday

Easter started off in our bed with Zach reading the resurrection from the Jesus Storybook Bible and Micah reading it from his bible.  

Then we woke up the Logi Bear and let the boys go downstairs to find their buckets.

After rest time we headed to the Cardozas and spent a fun Easter afternoon with Matt, Leslie, Isabella and William.  Leslie took some family pictures of us all dressed up.  Getting a picture with all 5 looking straight ahead and smiling is not an easy task but we got a good one so yay!  Then we tried to get a picture of all three boys and weren't quite as successful.  

After the kids played for awhile and the four adults just enjoyed actually being with each other, Matt, Leslie and Zach hid about 200 (empty) plastic eggs in the yard while I contained the crazies in the front.

Leslie let them in one at a time in age order and they hunted and hunted for a good 20 minutes.  They even had to stop to empty out their buckets because they were overflowing.

After a delicious meal we left to go home with full bellies and fuller hearts that are so thankful for these friends who are more like family.

easter prep

During holy week Zach read to the boys each night in the Jesus Storybook Bible and Micah read from his bible the events of the day leading up to the resurrection.  The boys asked lots of good questions and we gave answers and just the fact that their is communication happening makes my spirit rejoice.

We also did some crafty cooking stuff together.  During the week we decorated eggs, made butterscotch birds nests to take to church and made resurrection rolls to have on Easter morning.  They are really easy and so fun.
You tell the story of preparing Jesus body for the tomb by using a marshmallow rolled in melted butter (oils) and cinnamon/sugar (spices) then wrap it in a crescent roll (linen).  The next morning when you bake them the marshmallow melts so when you bite into it the Tomb is empty :)