Friday, September 28, 2012

passion band

There are many attributes I hope my children have that range from living out the gospel and incorporating the fruit of the spirit in their daily relationships to being able to clean and house and cook themselves and one day their wife a meal.  

One very big hope in that wide spectrum is to possess the musical talents of their daddy.  I was in choir and don't embarrass anyone when I sing, at least I don't think so.  I also played in the band and danced so I have rhythm but my brain does not feel music the way Zach's does.  I have to learn the skills like most people but he can hear it and do it.  I would love for our boys to have that from him and lately there have been glimpses that it's true.

Micah has always been able to hum songs from memory after hearing them and had pretty good pitch too.  Zach has always played fun songs for them to dance to and sing along with but recently they've both been paying close attention to different songs at church and become obsessed with listening to them over and over and playing along with them.

Connor likes to be the front man.  He sings loud and practices the lyrics over and over with a little help from Micah.  Micah likes to stay in the back, so no one will see him, and play the drums and coach Connor on volume and keep him on beat.  Micah has stayed up in his bed practicing each song and was so happy when Zach taught him how to count the drum beats.  He even talks in drum talk now which totally cracks me up and watching them is so much fun because they are about the cutest things ever!

There current favorite songs are Always, Here For You, One Thing Remains, God Is Able and the songs from their VBS cd from this past summer.

There's no way to know if this is a phase or the beginning of a love for playing music.  Whichever it is music will always be a part of their lives and I pray they feel God in it and use it for his glory whether from performance or in the audience.

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely the beginning of a love for playing music! Micah's going to need a proper drum set soon, too :-) And I can totally see Connor as a rock star.
