Wednesday, March 18, 2015

an inner disposition

Last October I began a new writing venture.  Occasionally I have shared more here than just the three blond boys I hang out with all the time, but my heart, mind and soul wanted more and more to share what it was learning and thinking more frequently, in a more organized way and a little more officially than the numerous notebooks piled in the basket next to my comfy brown chair. However, I wasn't quite ready to share it with all the world, and by all the world I mean the few people who get entertainment ever so often from pictures of those said blond boys. So it's been sitting there viewed by a few "strangers" and some other sets of very wonderful and loving eyes, but mostly just out there in a space that wasn't just in my head but wasn't quite real either.

So I'm here to tell you it exists and if you want to read or follow or think about reading or following I'd love for you to.  If you want to not do any of those things that's totally fine too.  God has been showing me the importance and blessing of being completely transparent, because if you can see through me then hopefully that means you can see Christ in me.  So here I am, transparent, saying that He's done so much, and with my weak words I want to share with whoever will read as much as I can about what He has done.

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