Connor is in the middle of the typical explosion of growth from 18-24 months. Some newness is...
*has more new words than I can remember though it's still hard to interpret if you're not around him every day :) he repeats anything and his current favorite word is no.
*tell hi to everyone we pass in any store
*is not a big fan of sitting in the buggy except at publix
*loves to hide himself, his toys, his hands (inside his shirt), etc and say ook...ide!
*putting together 2 to 3 words
*builds really well with mega blocks
*jumps off things
*can ride his ride on toy as fast as Micah (he's proud of this!)
*doesn't sit in a high chair anymore. he likes to sit on the bench with Micah.
Connor's so sweet! Last week in nursery he built some really tall towers and then would copy my "Oh man!" after he knocked them down! It cracked us up!!