Tuesday, January 18, 2011

my two words

Last year I chose a word for the whole year. Contentment. I loved having a focus that was integrated in every part of life. By November I kinda sorta got it though contentment is one of those things that you get better about the more you concentrate on it so I'm sure I have a long way to go until mastery!

This year I was hit with one word during Christmas. At the advice of my father in law I read the book of Isaiah during the advent season. In Isaiah 9, the part EVERYONE knows, I was struck when reading For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. The word GIVEN totally stuck out and hit me straight in the heart especially when paired with a son being given and even more since I have two of those! I kind of pondered the word and all it's forms (given, give, gave, giving, give up), wrote something about it on a facebook status and decided that God was definitely giving me my 2011 focus. That focus will be giving of myself, my time, my money, my thoughts, my talents, and even just my smile in an intentional way. Basically, in each and every situation I am in how can I give like Christ in that situation no matter how large or small I think it is.

After a few more days I started stressing about the act of giving with your all and got a little tired before I even started. It was then that I felt two words would be a good idea and added TAKE to the list. I don't mean take as in steal, I mean take as in receive. If you spill all you have without replenishing you are straight burnt out and believe me I know burnt out! So as I am trying to give as God wants me to give I also want to take as God wants me to take. Take time for Him in prayer and study, take time to listen to those He puts in my path, take time to learn from those around me, take time to ask for help and take time to see the present before it becomes a forgotten past. So there you are, in my new year there will be a lotta give and a lotta take! Can't wait to see how it makes me grow by 2012!

If you have a word you are focusing on this year I'd love to hear it and pray for you and hope hope hope you'll pray for me in my focus as well!

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