Saturday, July 19, 2008

family love

Micah had a great time playing at my parent's house with his cousins Keelie (KiKi) and Haley (Laley). While Keelie can't do much more than stare at their goofy selves, He and Haley ran around playing with everything imaginable from measuring cups to baby dolls to cars. Micah LOVES cars and my mom has a huge basket full of them. By the time we left they were scattered around the house, including the crib he slept in.

It was great to see my niece and son playing. It does make me feel old though because I can remember my brothers and sister and I playing together and I just think I can't believe there's another generation starting already!

Musical prowess

Haley has no fear of getting wet

Micah was trying to just get his belly wet

Keelie was watching from the comfort
of her excersaucer

Everybody LOVES Uncle Tim and
he definitely loves them


  1. It looks like ya'll had a great time. Fun times.

  2. I love th picture of Micah trying to only get his belly wet! How cute!
