Friday, August 8, 2008

not alone

A month or so ago we were discussing something in our church's small group. I think it was about being a stumbling block for others in our actions when fellow believers are struggling with something that we aren't necessarily struggling with and what is the action you take or in some cases don't take to keep your brother strong in their faith. That sounds about right. Anyway something was shared that I LOVED immediately and felt I should read/look at/concentrate on every day so I wanted to share if with my blog world.

Here it is. I hope it touches your heart like it did mine and makes you realize how important we each are to others in His Kingdom here on earth.

"Sin is not just a private matter. Everything we do affects others, and we have to think of them constantly. God created us to be interdependent, not independent. We who are strong in our faith MUST, without PRIDE or CONDESCENSION, treat others with LOVE, PATIENCE, and SELF-RESTRAINT."

Wow...yeah I know that is a very tall order but remember 'we CAN do all things through our Christ Jesus!'

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