Tuesday, December 8, 2009

seven months

Today is Connor's monthday! He's the big 7 months today!! We just had his 6 month well visit last week and he was 19lbs 13oz and 27 1/2 inches long! I looked back in Micah's baby book to compare the two of them and they are about neck and neck. Connor seems bigger than Micah did at that age, but I remember very few specifics from the baby years. I think is a self coping mechanism! haha!

These days Connor is...
*eating real baby food three times a day.
*crawling everywhere. Well more like doing the worm everywhere because he still can't quite stay on all fours when he starts moving!
*just recently starting to pull up. It takes him FOREVER to get all the way to his feet but he's super cute while trying.
*talking, babbling, yelling. Making all those noises you can't wait for and then think hmmm they will never be quiet again will they :)
*smiling CONSTANTLY. All you have to do is look at him and he bursts into this huge grin. Too cute. I think he might be more social like his daddy :)
*still enjoys staring at Micah and Micah is constantly talking in silly voices and jumping around to make him laugh. I hope hope hope the two of them will be good friends growing up!

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