My parents were in town for the weekend to visit so on Saturday morning we all went to the Christmas parade on the square in Covington. It was a bit chilly but a lot of fun. The boys really enjoyed watching everything go by. Their favorite were the bands and the firetrucks and police cars. I honestly can't remember the last time Connor sat to still and watched something so intently! Micah made a friend at the parade. He and the little boy next to him played 'guitar' together on the fly swatters that someone had handed out. They were too cute. Micah was also excited about all the candy. The only bag we had tore so he ended up holding his hat out to collect the goodies. The only drama came when a clown, who was trying to be funny, put the candy down Micah's jacket instead of in his hat. My poor little boy burst into tears and could not understand why someone would do that! He recovered pretty well though :)
meaning clown
trying, with help from Connor, to console Micah
After the parade we went home to eat lunch and take naps. Then we decorated the tree and watched Auburn win the SEC Championship!!! They'll be playing for the National Championship on January 10th in Glendale, AZ and guess who will be there to watch!?!? Arizona here we come :)
Are you seriously going to Arizona? How come I didn't know this? Wow ! Who is watching the boys ? (Wish i could...) Love you ...