Monday, July 20, 2015


Journaling is a necessary thing for me.  Most often I do not know what I'm thinking or feeling until pen hits paper and I just let the words stream out.  Zach does this verbally and while it is difficult for me to listen to because it takes the entire conversation for him to sort through his feelings and many times in the midst of it my pride or heart gets hurt before its all clear, I understand his need to stream.

Monday in Salacea and Cherechiu was a beautifully difficult day, that set up a beautifully difficult week.  Like I mentioned in my pre sharing wrap up God graciously blessed me with sweet glimpses of hope in the midst of the hard.  Looking back just now at my journal for that night, there is no way I could explain myself or capture my feelings better now than I could then.  I scarcely remember writing these words which just means that once again the Holy Spirit picked up my pen and let me see what He was speaking to me in my heart.  I say many times how much easier life would be if God would just write me a note saying "Hey Sarah, this right here" and then I read His word or the thoughts of others inspired by His word and thank Him for those direct notes.

"I am seriously so shocked by how much easier the trip is so far this year.  Gone are the intense new emotions of shock and sadness and in their place is intense compassion and a desire to encourage.  If I'm being honest there might be a little more anger mixed in as well.  

But in all seriousness it's not from a place of unaffectedness or being desensitized because of previous interactions.  It's a place of hope knowing what can be done and what God has done and is doing still.

It's a hard inbetween place of why is there so much injustice and hate AND look at how much God has done and how much love He has shown.

Being his hands and feet starts with first experiences and emotions and it continues on with faith, understanding and confidence in the word of Christ.

Pretty soon you don't think about helping the "least of these" and instead you're helping your brothers and sisters in Christ.  Yes in the eyes of the world they have the least but in the eyes of God they have every spiritual blessing in Him.

Would I be content with that?  Do I really and truly believe He is all I need?

Lord, I am thankful for the overabundance that we have been given and want to use it all to glorify You.  Help me to do that.  Amen."

Elise visiting with her family in Salacea.

When our group came last year this precious girl had been kidnapped by her mother's boyfriend yet here she is back in the loving arms of her mother smiling and dancing up a storm.  Glimpses of Hope!

Bible club at Leah's house (purple shirt).  Only a few years ago she did not know the Lord and was met by the Bruskis when she was seeking out an abortion.  Not only did she not get one but she and her whole families are strong believers and she now makes disciples of others in her village.  One of whom she talked out of having an abortion.  Glimpses of Hope!

A paved road that will allow the children of this village to walk to school on solid ground instead of through feet of snow and mud.

My brother who was having his own first experiences yet jumped in, literally, with no hesitation to play and love.

This precious boy is the unloved one of his family and isn't given as much food as the rest of his siblings.  My prayers will be with Him forever and His beautiful smile and sense of humor will inspire me always.

In just two short years since our last visit the children of this village look healthier, behave better and know more about their creator.  Glimpses of HOPE!

We need their loving hands just as much as they need ours.

Curiosity meets patient giving.

Teaching the story of Gideon defeating the mean men of Midian via grown man wrestling matches.  Smiles and laughter from everyone!

Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.  John 3:2

Look and see!!

wrap up

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome (I am a journaler too, although when you talked about the vocalizer I think I might be that just as much. Oh dear). Anyway, I love the photo of you walking hand in hand with that sweet little girl. What an amazing journey!
