Friday, July 5, 2013

romania: day 7

Friday, June 28th

I didn't journal this day while we were there.  So all the thoughts I write down now will be brand new after a week of stewing, however the amount I've done so far has already tired out my brain so I don't know if I'm up for specific details.  Quickly stated we visited two gypsy villages that they don't work in currently but support at least one family in, we went to the abandoned baby floor of the hospital, and we visited a little gypsy girl who had been adopted by a Romanian family that loves her.

It was an honor to be the first to visit some of these kids and see the smiles.  It was an honor to spend time praying for that little abandoned baby in the hallway because I knew my heart didn't need to see her to love her.  It was an honor to see God use a Romanian family to break one more chain of prejudice and love a baby girl because she needs to be loved.

We spent an insane amount of time in the vans today leaving the complex at 10 that morning and not returning until almost 9.  Which was really fun and full of conversations that only happen when you have nothing else to do but talk!  We ended the day with a traditional last night dinner at a restaurant in Oradea, then climbed The Hill in Sintelec to sit and sing, and met in the loft to share our final thoughts, purchase or souvenirs and say all our goodbyes.

I was hit big time with the thought of family on this day.  Not blood family, though I love mine dearly and love and appreciate them even more after a week of seeing and feeling what we saw and felt.  Instead, I thought of family in Christ; of these people I've known for just days but feel completely connected to because we have a common thread stronger than any other.  Oh how amazing, humbling, astounding, it is to for just a moment to feel like you truly understand the meaning of God being a Heavenly Father.  He's not just mine, he's their's too and when he sees me he sees them right next to me.  He brings us all together in such a perfectly orchestrated way that we miss all to often.  There is coincidence in nothing.  There's a perfect plan in everything.  He's just one daddy loving billions of children and making sure they see themselves in each other, each other in themselves and Him in them all.

God thank you for this experience.  Thank you for your eyes to see and your ears to hear.  Thank you for all you taught me through it and for all your going to teach me that I can't even comprehend yet.  Thank for the lives of each of the children, mothers, fathers, and grandparents we saw and your plans for each of them.  Thank you for your people of all nations who rise up to be your hands and feet to those around them.  Thank you for the prayers of our family, friends and church.  I pray that your would change the hearts of many to want to live for you.  I pray that you would break through all the grief, struggles, evil, and hopelessness and turn it into joy.  You are a mighty God who knows all and sees where each of these situations will end.  We're the ones who need to see it and pay attention to it and rely on you to not only show us but force us to open our eyes and hearts to let it in.

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