Friday, October 15, 2010

Tallulah Gorge

Zach is starting a new job at WAG or Wendys Arbys Group next week. He finished his position at Purchasing Power last week and this week has been vacation time :) He took a week long break to spend some time with us and extended family. Sunday afternoon we drove to Gainesville, GA to visit his side for a few days.

Zach's mom and younger brother were out of school there for Monday-Wednesday. Monday morning the 7 of us drove an hour from Gainesville to Tallulah Gorge State Park. I'm not sure what I thought a gorge was going to be, or maybe I was just thinking about the logistics of time, food, and hiking with kids that I didn't concentrate on the fact that we were visiting a 400 foot drop surrounded by rocks and water. I am not a heights person at all and when you add mama brain to that it makes for a somewhat frightful thought process. Despite Connor's displeasure with the backpack carrier, me hiding
from his sight so he'd stay in the thing and a somewhat treacherous walk across a swinging bridge up super steep stairs and next to a busy highway, we had a great time. The weather was gorgeous and Micah loved walking through the woods collecting treasures of pinecones, red leaves (he could have cared less about the other colors) and long skinny acorns.

Zach and Connor

Nana and Micah

The 400ft terrifying drop

The swinging bridge

Micah and Poppy

Getting across the bridge alive

The only way up

Micah made it to the top a whole lot better than everyone else

Looking for acorns
We had a leisurely picnic lunch and then made a quick stop at a farmers market/pumpkin patch for some homemade ice cream. Needless to say some good naps were taken that afternoon when we got back :)

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